Letter of Commendation from U.S. Department of Defense and U.K Ministry of Defense


Letter Reads:

Subject: Letter of Commendation

Dear Dr. Lofaro:

Please accept our sincere appreciation for your excellent work supporting the Bioinspired Adapted
Techniques for Sensing, Actuation and Vocalization using Vibroacoustics (BATSAVVI) project. The team
demonstrated exceptional initiative and innovation to execute a joint project to exploit novel
bioinspired acoustic approaches.

Under the U.S. – UK Genesis II program, subject matter experts from both nations formulated a joint
program that would advance bioinspired technologies for unmanned air vehicles by leveraging the
acoustics inherent in small unmanned air vehicle propulsion and control systems for use in navigation
and communication tasks.

Based on the well-laid out project plan, each team member successfully secured resources from their
home organizations to complete their portion of the effort. Together, the team’s efforts led to the
successful demonstration of object detection using the acoustic cues produced by the small propeller
systems on micro air vehicles and use of distance estimates in real-time feedback control of a motor-
propeller system.

The BATSAVVI project team made notable scientific advancements in obstacle detection and avoidance
using novel technologies. We look forward to seeing the future impact this project will have on future
situational awareness capabilities on small unmanned air vehicle platforms.

Your enthusiasm and commitment is a testament to the strength of the bilateral cooperative
relationship between our two nations. Thank you all for working to support collaboration, and
encouraging the community to strive for excellence in science and technology cooperation.


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